Friday, April 27, 2012

Thanks for helping us grow...Thinking beyond the gift card.

Seed Packets for a Teacher's Gift
I always get our teachers a gift card.  (Honestly, it's what I wish everyone would buy me. Hint. Hint.)    However, I do think it's nice to add a personal touch to the gift and the children enjoy the exchange.  Let's be serious, when children are younger they do not understand how something like macaroni artwork is not considered 100 gazillion times cooler then a rectangular piece of plastic.  A new idea I had this year was a "Thanks for Helping us Grow" end of year gift.  If you collect money from the class, spend the bulk of the money on a Visa type gift card that you label- For your Gardening Supplies.   With about $10-$15 buy a  garden planter or pot.  Then ask students to bring in a variety of seed packs with a personal note, quote or card with the title...Thanks for helping me grow.  Plan for the kids to bring in their surprise contribution on the same morning, maybe the day of the class party.  That morning, send in the planter and gift card with a note, For your Collection! 

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