Sunday, May 13, 2012

Autograph Books for End of School Party!

 Kindergarten Autograph Book

For Cole's Kindergarten graduation, I made all the kids an autograph book to pass around at then end of year party.  It was so simple and the kids LOVED it!  They had a blast running around the class getting all their friends to sign it.  It was actually a last minute idea in case we had some extra time during the party.  The kids had so much fun, we ended up scrapping plans for the other games.  The teacher told me the kids brought them in the next day and continued filling the pages.

I made them in the school's colors of yellow, red and blue.  For the cover, I used yellow card stock and printed a school logo and name line. I then added a graduation cap embellishment.  I cut white card stock for the inside pages and to bind the book I just used a whole punch and red ribbon.  Like I said, E-A-S-Y. 

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